Some resources Generally, a little off the beaten path. Evolving list: Web Development SEO Tool Lists Growth Hackers CSS Tricks Blog, videos, more NoScript A security plugin for Mozilla browsers Down Scripts A large collection of free, useful scripts Computer Science Resources for grad students Matt Might (Criteria: readability, self-containment, brevity, coverage) Data Science What Are the Odds? An Intro to Probability with R The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction Hastie, Tibshirani and Friedman. (Free PDF book) Talking Machines Audio-casts on Machine Learning Artificial Neural Networks Introductory info; 2 parts (as of Feb 2015) Coursera Data Science Specialization Tools, R, Data, Research, Inference, Regression, Machine Learning, Products Cybersecurity Avoiding the top 10 software security design flaws Center for Secure Design IEEE Security & Privacy Magazine Current articles IEEE Technical Committee on Security & Privacy Cipher articles, events, more 17 Free E-Books On Cryptography, Cryptology And Cryptanalysis EFYTimes News Coursera Cybersecurity Specialization Usability, Software, Hardware, Cryptography More Insight Meditation Safer than texting while driving. PBS Newshour Episodes Charlie Rose Episodes Downton Abbey Seasons 1-5 Panobug Landscape Photography Amazing local views Most recent update: Feb 2015