I like old books with paper pages.
~ Thai & Lam, .NET Framework Essentials (3rd Ed.) (2003)
~ Vitter, Designing Visual Basic .NET Applications (2001)
~ Liberty, Learning Visual Basic .NET (2003)
~ Morrison & Rischert, Oracle SQL Interactive Workbook (2000)
~ Keesee, Elementary Abstract Algebra (1965)
~ Bransford & Stein, The IDEAL Problem Solver: A Guide For Improving Thinking, Learning, and Creativity (1984)
~ Mano, Digital Design (3rd Ed.) (2002)
~ Hingley (Intro.) Great Short Works of Fyodor Dostoevsky (1968)
This one is literally falling apart. I carry it in a clear plastic bag. A photo of Dostoevsky has been glued behind the cover, by my friend Turk LeClair. The facing page bears Turk’s signature “Radio Free Dada” rubber stamp impression.