[dbozarth@pssclabs server ~/dbTables]$ cat fiveQueries.sql
-- fiveQueries.sql
-- author: David Bozarth
-- created: 5 Nov 2003
-- MEANING & USEFULNESS: These queries are for skill development,
-- not for a real-life application; however, some thought was put
-- into retrieving sets of data that relate together, and into
-- moderating functional changes. Query# 4 minimizes deductibles
-- in plans that are not already fully loaded or when the customer
-- relationship has had some duration; Query#3 generates a
-- mailing list for customers for whom active work was done.
-- Query# 5 could be used in routine database maintenance.
-- Query# 1
-- get info on each customer who has Plans of all 4 types
-- (Default, Current, Proposed, Saved Working)
-- using set difference
select a.custName, a.enrollDate
from Account a
where not exists
( (select m.typeCode from ModelType m
(select p.modelType from Plan p
where a.custNo = p.custNo
-- Query# 2
-- list each California customer and the customer's number of Plans
select a.custName, count(a.custName) as PLANS
from Account a, Contact c, Plan p
where a.custNo = p.custNo
and a.custName = c.contactName
and c.state = 'CA'
group by a.custName
order by PLANS desc
-- Query# 3
-- make a table (mailing list) of all "Professional" customers
-- who have more than 60% enrollment on any Plan
create table ProsWithEnrollment as
(select distinct
a.custName, c.addr1, c.addr2, c.city, c.state, c.zip, c.zip4
from Account a, Contact c, Industry i, Plan p
where a.custName = c.contactName
and a.custNo = p.custNo
and a.industry = 2
and p.pctEnrolled >= 60
-- display the mailing list
select custName from ProsWithEnrollment;
-- display deductibles before update
select t.level1 from Tier t where t.level1 > 40
-- Query # 4
-- ensure that all Proposed Type I In-Network deductibles are no greater than 40%
-- for plans that meet EITHER of the following criteria:
-- (1) the Plan's benefit Tiers are not fully Type 3,
-- OR (2) the Customer was enrolled in the 20th century
update Tier t
set level1 = 40
where t.networkOut = 'N'
and t.level1 > 40
and t.parameter = 'deductible'
and t.modelType = 2
and t.custNo IN
( (select a.custNo from Account a
where a.enrollDate < '01-JAN-00'
(select p.custNo from Plan p, ModelConfig m
where p.modelCfg = m.cfgCode
and (m.perio + m.endo + m.surg < 9)
-- display deductibles after update
select t.level1 from Tier t where t.level1 > 40
-- list all rows in the Plan table that have a modelType of 'current'
select custNo, modelType from Plan where modelType = 1;
-- Query# 5
-- ensure each customer has a Plan designated 'current'
-- if this plan is missing, copy the 'default' plan to 'current'
insert into Plan
(custNo, modelType, annMaxIn, annMaxOut, commBrok, commGA,
empContrib, pctEnrolled, dualChoice, orthoMax, modelCfg)
select p.custNo, 1, p.annMaxIn, p.annMaxOut, p.commBrok, p.commGA,
p.empContrib, p.pctEnrolled, p.dualChoice, p.orthoMax, p.modelCfg
from Plan p
where p.modelType = 0
and p.custNo in
(select a.custNo from Account a
where not exists
(select * from Plan p2
where a.custNo = p2.custNo
and p2.modelType = 1
-- list all rows in the Plan table that have a modelType of 'current'
select custNo, modelType from Plan where modelType = 1;
-- create View of each customer's current In-network coinsurance rates
create or replace view Current_InNetwork_Rates as
--select a.custName, a.zipIn, c.state, t.level1, t.level2, t.level3
select a.custName, a.zipIn, c.state,
t.level1, t.level2, t.level3
from Account a, Contact c, Tier t
where a.custName = c.contactName
and a.custNo = t.custNo
and t.modelType = 1
and t.parameter = 'coinsurance'
and t.networkOut = 'N'
order by c.state
select * from Current_InNetwork_Rates;