Account table


Identifying and status information on the account of Customer and their relationship with service providers.


CustNo                  string                PRIMARY KEY                                     identifier of Customer’s account with consulting firm


CustName                string                FK à Contact(ContactName)                personal and/or business full name of Customer


Broker               string            FK à Contact(ContactName)                personal and/or business full name of insurance broker


Executive                string                FK à Contact(ContactName)                personal and/or business full name of Customer contact


Carrier                   string                FK à Contact(ContactName)                personal and/or business full name of insurance provider


CarrierDate                date                                                                        when Customer started relationship with insurance provider


EnrollDate                date                                                                        when Customer started relationship with consulting firm


Enrolled                 integer                                                                   approximate number of enrollees to be covered in benefit plan


Industry                  integer                FK à Industry(Code)                     indicates occupational classification of enrollees


ZipIn                       integer                                                                   In-network zip code (first 3 digits) – used in rate calculation


ZipOut                    integer                                                                   Out-of-network zip code (first 3 digits) – used in rate calculation





Industry table


Assigns descriptions to the codes used for classifying enrollees by occupation.


Code                      integer                PRIMARY KEY                                     classification ID


Description                string                                                                      classification description




Contact table


Maintains contact information for all business entities in database.


ContactName                string                PRIMARY KEY                                     personal and/or business full name of entity


Addr1                     string                                                                      first line of postal address and/or location


Addr2                     string                                                                      second line of postal address and/or location


City                         string                                                                      city of entity’s operation and/or location


State                       string                                                                      state of entity’s operation and/or location


Zip                          integer                                                                   5-digit postal code base


Zip4                        integer                                                                   4-digit postal code extension


AreaCode                integer                                                                   3-digit telephone area code


Phone                    integer                                                                   7-digit telephone number


Email                     string                                                                      primary business email address





Plan table


Base quantities and factors– apply to all calculated rate values of a specific model version.


CustNo                  string                PRIMARY KEY, FKàAccount                identifier of Customer’s account with consulting firm


ModelType                integer                PRIMARY KEY, FKàModelType                identifies the specific plan version for this Customer


AnnMaxIn                decimal                                                                 In-network maximum annual benefit payment per enrollee


AnnMaxOut                decimal                                                                 Out-of-network maximum annual benefit payment per enrollee


CommBrok                decimal                                                                 broker’s commission percentage on premium


CommGA                decimal                                                                 another commission percentage


EmpContrib                decimal                                                                 enrollee’s premium contribution percentage


PctEnrolled                decimal                                                                 estimated benefit-covered percentage of Customer’s payroll


DualChoice                Boolean                                                                 relates to employer’s benefit spectrum


OrthoMax                decimal                                                                 lifetime maximum Orthodontic benefit per enrollee


ModelCfg                string                FK à ModelConfig(CfgCode)                designates a combination of flexible benefit assignments




Tier table


Parameterized quantities used for rate calculations – several parameters apply to each distinct model version.


CustNo                  string                PRIMARY KEY, FKàAccount                identifier of Customer’s account with consulting firm


ModelType                integer                PRIMARY KEY, FKàModelType                identifies the specific plan version for this Customer


Parameter                string                PRIMARY KEY                                     identifies the parameter being quantified


NetworkOut                Boolean                PRIMARY KEY                                     each parameter is really two: In-network & Out-of-network


Level1                    decimal                                                                 the parameter value for basic cleaning & exams


Level2                    decimal                                                                 the parameter value for fillings and extractions


Level3                    decimal                                                                 the parameter value for crown, bridge, and surgery


Level4                    decimal                                                                 the parameter value for orthodontics




ModelConfig table


Designates a combination of flexible benefit assignments.


CfgCode                                string                PRIMARY KEY                                     identifies the combination


Description                string                                                                      provides a longer text description of the combination


Ortho                      Boolean                                                                 determines whether Orthodontic coverage is include in calculation


Perio                      integer                                                                   parameterized Level# assigned to Periodontic services


Endo                      integer                                                                   parameterized Level# assigned to Endodontic services


Surg                       integer                                                                   parameterized Level# assigned to Surgical services






ModelType table


Identifies the specific plan version for a Customer.


TypeCode                integer                PRIMARY KEY                                     identifies the ModelType


Description                string                                                                      text description of ModelType